Zheng Wang


  1. [1] C. Li, F. Liu, Y. Wang, and M. Buss, Concurrent learning-based adaptive control of an uncertain robot manipulatorwith guaranteed safety and performance, IEEE Transactionson Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 52(5), 2022,3299–3313.
  2. [2] B.S.B. Dewantara and B.N.D. Ariyadi, Adaptive behaviorcontrol for robot soccer navigation using fuzzy-based socialforce model, Smart Science, 9(3), 2021, 1–16.
  3. [3] Y. Su, T. Wang, K. Zhang, C. Yao, and Z. Wang, Adaptivenonlinear control algorithm for a self-balancing robot, IEEEAccess, 8, 2020, 3751–3760.
  4. [4] K. Xu, S. Wang, B. Yue, J. Wang, H. Peng, D. Liu, Z. Chen,and M. Shi, Adaptive impedance control with variable targetstiffness for wheel-legged robot on complex unknown terrain,Mechatronics, 69, 2020, 102388.8
  5. [5] M. Razmi and C.J.B. Macnab, Near-optimal neural-networkrobot control with adaptive gravity compensation, Neurocom-puting, 389, 2020, 83–92.
  6. [6] E. Lu, Z. Ma, Y. Li, L. Xu, and Z. Tang, Adaptive backsteppingcontrol of tracked robot running trajectory based on real-timeslip parameter estimation, International Journal of Agriculturaland Biological Engineering, 13(4), 2020, 178–187.
  7. [7] J. Dong, J. Xu, Q. Zhou, and S. Hu, Physical human-robotinteraction force control method based on adaptive variableimpedance, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 357(12), 2020,7864–7878.
  8. [8] E. Lu E, Z. Ma Z, and Y. Li Y., Adaptive backstepping controlof tracked robot running trajectory based on real-time slipparameter estimation [J], 2020, 13(4), 2020, :10.
  9. [9] C.-C. Lai, C.-J. Lin, K.-H. Hsia, and K.L. Su, Apply model-free adaptive control approach for mobile robot path following,Proc. of International Conf. on Artificial Life and Robotics,25, 2020, 122–125.
  10. [10] Z. Mei, L. Chen, and J. Ding, Modeling and adaptive torquecomputed control of industrial robot based on lie algebra,Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1780(1), 2021, 012029.
  11. [11] M.A. Hao-Wei, and M.Z. Zainon, The optimization method ofindustrial robot arm structure based on green manufacturingtechnology, Ecological Economy, 17(1), 2021, 8.
  12. [12] Q. Cheng, W. Xu, Y. Wang, Z. Liu, and X. Hao, Trajectorytracking control method of robotic intra-oral treatment, Journalof Physics: Conference Series, 1884(1), 2021, 012041.
  13. [13] H. Cen and B.K. Singh, Nonholonomic wheeled mobile robottrajectory tracking control based on improved sliding modevariable structure, Wireless Communications and MobileComputing, 2021(10), 2021, 1–9.
  14. [14] J.E. Lavin-Delgado, S. Chavez-Vazquez, J.F. Gomez-Aguilar,G. Delgado-Reyes, and M.A. Ru´ız-Jaimes, Fractional-orderpassivity-based adaptive controller for a robot manipulatortype scara, Fractals, 28(2), 2020.
  15. [15] D. Engelbrecht, N. Steyn, and K. Djouani, Adaptive virtualimpedance control of a mobile multi-robot system, Robotics,10(1), 2021, 19.
  16. [16] N. Hu, A. Wang, and Y. Wu, Robust adaptive PD-like controlof lower limb rehabilitation robot based on human movementdata, PeerJ Computer Science, 7(6), 2021, e394.
  17. [17] J.T. Yang and C. Peng, Adaptive neural impedance controlwith extended state observer for human–robot interactions byoutput feedback through tracking differentiator, Proceedingsof the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal ofSystems and Control Engineering, 234(7), 2020, 820–833.
  18. [18] P. Zhang, J, Zhang, and Z. Zhang, Design of RBFNN-basedadaptive sliding mode control strategy for active rehabilitationrobot, IEEE Access, 8, 2020, 12–31.
  19. [19] F. Wang, Y. Qin, F. Guo, Bin Ren, and John T. W.Yeow, Adaptive visually servoed tracking control for wheeledmobile robot with uncertain model parameters in complexenvironment, Complexity, 2020(3), 2020, 1–13.
  20. [20] L. Yang, C. Tang, J, Yang, F. Liu, and T. Li, Adaptive dynamicsurface control of a flexible robot based on the K-state observer,Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review, 13(6),2020, 166–174.
  21. [21] D. Zhang, H. Yuan, and Z. Cao, Environmental adaptivecontrol of a snake-like robot with variable stiffness actuators,IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 7(3), 2020, 745–751.
  22. [22] Y. Wang, Z. Zhang, C. Li, and M. Buss, Adaptive incrementalsliding mode control for a robot manipulator, Mechatronics,82, 2022, 102717.
  23. [23] H.R. Nohooji, Constrained neural adaptive PID control forrobot manipulators, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 12, 2020,45–69.
  24. [24] F. Tajdari, N.E. Toulkani, and N. Zhilakzadeh, Semi-realevaluation, and adaptive control of a 6DOF surgical robot, Proc.2020 11th Power Electronics, Drive Systems, and TechnologiesConf. (PEDSTC), Tehran, 2020, 1–6.
  25. [25] A. Valizadeh and A.A. Akbari, The optimal adaptive-basedneurofuzzy control of the 3-DOF musculoskeletal system ofhuman arm in a 2D Plane, Applied Bionics and Biomechanics,2021, 154–178.
  26. [26] R. Mohan, E. Silvas, H. Stoutjesdijk, H. Bruyninckx, andB. De Jager, Collision-free trajectory planning with deadlockprevention: An adaptive virtual target approach, IEEE Access,8, 2020, 115240–115250.
  27. [27] H.-I. Lin, Design of an intelligent robotic precise assem-bly system for rapid teaching and admittance control,Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 64(9),2020, 101946.
  28. [28] Y.-C. Liu and C.-Y. Huang, DDPG-based adaptive robusttracking control for aerial manipulators with decouplingapproach, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 52(8), 2022,8258–8271.
  29. [29] S.R. Schroerlucke, E.N. Harris, and R. Roy, P109.Improvements in screw placement and accuracy withnewer generation robotic-assisted minimally invasiveinstrumented lumbar fusions, The Spine Journal, 20(9), 2020,S198–S199.
  30. [30] C.M. van Vliet, A. Meulders, L.M.G. Vancleef, E. Meyers, andJ.W.S. Vlaeyen, Changes in pain-related fear and pain whenavoidance behavior is no longer effective, The Journal of Pain,21(3–4), 2020, 494–505.
  31. [31] Z. Hu, H. Yuan, W. Xu, T. Yang, and B. Liang, Equivalentkinematics and pose-configuration planning of segmentedhyper-redundant space manipulators, Acta Astronautica,185(3), 2021, 102–116.
  32. [32] L. Yan, W. Xu, Z. Hu, and B. Liang, Multi-objectiveconfiguration optimization for coordinated capture ofdual-arm space robot, Acta Astronautica, 167, 2020,189–200.
  33. [33] J. Hu, and P.R. Pagilla, Dual-edge robotic gear chamferingwith registration error compensation, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 69(2), 2021, 102082.
  34. [34] S. Ni, W. Chen, and H. Ju, Coordinated trajectory planningof a dual-arm space robot with multiple avoidance constraints,Acta Astronautica, 195, 2022, 379–391.
  35. [35] Y. Lv, Z. Peng, and C. Qu, An adaptive trajectory planningalgorithm for robotic belt grinding of blade leading andtrailing edges based on material removal profile model,Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 66, 2020,101987.
  36. [36] S. Ghosh, H. Goud, P. Swarnkar, D.M. Deshpande,Design of an optimized adaptive PID controller forinduction motor drive, Mechatronic Systems and Control,49(3), 2021.
  37. [37] G. Shao, Intelligent vehicle control system based on cloudcomputing and Internet of Things, Mechatronic Systems andControl, 49(4), 2021.
  38. [38] N. Shao and Z. Guo, Distributed containment control formulti-robot system based on Hamilton and wavelet network,Mechatronic Systems and Control (formerly Control andIntelligent Systems), 48(1), 2020.

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