Siddhardha Kedarisetty


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  13. [13] S. Kedarisetty, A novel quad-rotor configuration capable ofattitude control through center of gravity variation, Proc IEEEIndian Control Conf., Kanpur, 2018, 346–351.
  14. [14] G. Farid, H.W. Mo, A.H. Baqar, and S.M. Ali, Comprehensivemodelling and static feedback linearization-based trajectorytracking of a quadrotor, Mechatronic Systems and Control,46(3), 2018, 97–106.
  15. [15] J. Yamaguchi, R. Yanagihara, and K. Kato, Multicopter flightcontrol accompanied by deviation of center of gravity, Proc.Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan Conf.,Hiroshima, 2019, 849–856.
  16. [16] G. Farid, M. Hongwei, S.M. Ali, and Q. Liwei, A reviewon linear and nonlinear control techniques for position andattitude control of a quadrotor, Mechatronic Systems andControl, 45(1), 2017, 43–57.
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  19. [19] H. Jiang, Q. Chang, Y. Wang, and X. Xie, Optimizationof the active disturbance rejection control of a four-rotoraircraft, Mechatronic Systems and Control, 48(2), 2020,87–93.
  20. [20] S.M. Jiao, D.P. Liu, and X.K. Zheng, Attitude control ofquadcopter based on self-tuning linear active disturbancerejection, Mechatronic Systems and Control, 48(2), 2020,102–109.65

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