V. Uskov∗ and A. Uskov∗


  1. [1] 2007 EDUCAUSE Current Issues Survey, available athttp://connect.educause.edu/Library/EDUCAUSE+Quarterly/CurrentIssuesSurveyReport/40026.
  2. [2] The 2007 National Survey of Information Technology in U.S.Higher Education, available at http://www.campuscomputing.net/survey.
  3. [3] The Future of e-Learning and Blended Learning, available athttp://www.trainingshare.com/pdfs/SFX5411.pdf.
  4. [4] Future Directions in e-Learning, Research Report 2006, avail-able at http:// www.elearningguild.com/showfile.cfm?id=1685.
  5. [5] 10 Top IT Issues, 2007 Report, available at http://www.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/ERM0730.pdf.
  6. [6] 2007 Business Intelligence Industry Report, available atwww.clomedia.com/biireport/BZ_2007_Summary_r2.pdf.
  7. [7] European e-Learning Observation System: Observing, Fore-sighting & Reporting, HELIOS Yearly Report 2007, available athttp://www.education-observatories.org/helios/index_html/document_view?month:int=11&year:int=2007.
  8. [8] V.L. Uskov & A.V. Uskov, Web-Based Education: 2006–2010Perspectives, International Journal of Advanced Technology forLearning – Calgary, Canada (ACTA Press), 3 (3), 2006, 1–13.
  9. [9] V.L. Uskov & A.V. Uskov, Modern Technology-Based Educa-tion: Instructor’s Profile, International Journal of AdvancedTechnology for Learning – Calgary, Canada (ACTA Press),4 (3), 2007, 118–125.
  10. [10] Illinois Virtual Campus, available at http://www.ivc.illinois.edu/pubs/enrollment.
  11. [11] 2007 IASTED international conference on Computers andAdvanced Technology in Education, URL: http://www.iasted.org/conferences/pastinfo-570.html.

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