M. Radaideh, S. Horani, and M. Raseen


  1. [1] K. Baker, Introduction to sequencing and scheduling (NewYork: Wiley and Sons, 1974).
  2. [2] M. Garey & D. Johnson, Computers and intractability: Aguide to the theory of NP-completeness (New York: W.H.Freeman, 1979).
  3. [3] P. Husbands, Genetic algorithms for scheduling, ArtificialIntelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour (AISB) Quarterly,89, 1994, 1–8.
  4. [4] P. Berry, Scheduling: A problem of decision-making under un-certainty, Proc. 10th European Conf. on Artificial Intelligence,ECAI 92, Vienna, August 3–7, 1992, 638–642.
  5. [5] E. Burke, D. Elliman, & R. Weare, Extensions to a universityexam timetabling system, IJCAI ’93 Workshop on Knowledge-Based Production Planning, Scheduling and Control, Cham-bery, France, August 29, 1993, 42–48.
  6. [6] D. Corne, P. Ross, & H. Fang, Evolutionary timetabling:Practice, prospects and work in progress, Proc. UK Planningand Scheduling SIG Workshop, Strathclyde, UK, September1994, 726–731.
  7. [7] D. Goldberg, Genetic algorithms in search, optimization andmachine learning (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1990).
  8. [8] D. Johnson & L. McGeoch, The Traveling Salesman Problem:A case study in local optimization, in E.H.L. Aarts & J.K.Lenstra (Eds.), Local search in combinatorial optimization(London: John Wiley and Sons, 1997), 215–310.
  9. [9] W. Tony, C. Pascal, & G. Paul, Final exam timetabling: Apractical approach, paper presented at IEEE Canadian Conf.on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Winnipeg, Manitoba,Canada, 2002. doi:10.1109/CCECE.2002.1013031
  10. [10] N. Arous, S. Abdallah, & N. Ellouzi, Evolutionary potentialtimetables optimization by means of genetic and greedy al-gorithms, Proc. Int. Conf. on Information Intelligence andSystems, October 31–November 3, Washington, DC, 1999,24–31.
  11. [11] P.J. Angeline, Evolution revolution: An introduction to thespecial track on genetic and evolutionary programming, IEEEExpert, 10(3), June 1995, 6–10.
  12. [12] M. Mitchell, An introduction to genetic algorithms (Cambridge,MA: MIT Press, 1998).
  13. [13] Details on PHP can be obtained from the website http://www.php.net; PHP reference manual can be obtained viahttp://www.php.net/download-docs.php (Last viewed January23, 2003).
  14. [14] Astra Schedule is commercial software from Ad Astra Informa-tion Systems. A demo of the software can be downloaded fromthe company website http://www.aais.com/software.html.
  15. [15] IQ Session is scheduling software from the CompQuip Inc.; ademo is downloadable from the website http://comquip.com/Products.htm.
  16. [16] SchedulExpert is a neural-network-based scheduler from Sched-uleExpert. Details of the product are available from the websitehttp://schedulexpert.com/index_postsecondary.html.

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