Chukwuemeka Chijioke Awah


High-torque, low-speed, machine, pole combinations, rotor and stator


Influence of rotor pole number on electromagnetic performance of an electrical machine is examined in this study. The investigated machine is a double stator flux-switching permanent magnet machine (DSFSPM). The study is carried out with the aid of Maxwell-2D finite element software. The predicted variables are: flux linkage, electromotive force (EMF), demagnetisation capability, power, and torque. The compared different rotor topologies are: Nr = 10, Nr = 11, Nr = 13, and Nr = 14, where Nr represents the number of rotor poles. The analysis shows that the most optimum combination of the different investigated topologies, capable of producing the largest torque and EMF magnitudes is the 6 stator slot/11 rotor pole combination, i.e., the machine topology that has Ns = 6 and Nr = 11, where Ns and Nr is the stator slot number and rotor pole number, respectively. However, the machine topology that has Nr = 10, would produce the least amount of torque and EMF values. Also, the machine topology having Nr = 14 would generate the least value of flux linkage per phase, likely due to the influence of its enormous harmonic elements. The predicted fundamental EMF amplitude of the compared different topologies having Nr = 10, Nr = 11, Nr = 13, and Nr = 14 is 2.64 V, 5.28 V, 5.01 V, and 3.15 V, respectively. The resulting fundamental electromagnetic torque value of the compared different topologies, obtained using fast Fourier transform (FFT) technique is 1.39 Nm, 2.78 Nm, 2.63 Nm, and 1.66 Nm, respectively. The compared different topologies exhibit high tendency to withstand demagnetisation effect, both at high load and high speed conditions. The investigated machine would be ideal for direct-drive operations, due to its low-speed high-torque potentials.

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