Gravitational and Barrier Effects in D-Dimensional Invasion Percolation Reservoir Models

Ken A. Hawick


invasion percolation, reservoir, percolation geometry, gravity


The invasion percolation (IP) model continues to find uses in simulating reservoir engineering phenomena. Gravitational buoyancy and barrier effects can be introduced into a simulation model and studied statistically in two, three and higher dimensions. The changes in the fractions of injected material and phase transitional behaviours are stud- ied. Analysis is made of both trapping and non-trapping invasion percolation processes along with changes in the trapped defender (hydrocarbon) within the reservoir when mud/oil buoyancy effects are varied. The effect of combinations of non-compressible defender trapping and nonporous barriers are explored with the barrier shown to have a more marked effect on the model than trapping. A number of useful metrics for the new gravitational invasion percolation (GIP) model are described in the context of hydro- carbon extraction. Simulation approaches and interpretations for CO2 deposition applications are also discussed.

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