Youngsul Shin, Muhammad I. Hossain, Woo Jin Lee


Complicated Medical Software, Required Interface,Abstraction of Function Behavior, Function BehaviorReduction, Test Case Reuse, Integration Testing.


ion of function characteristics generates test cases that bring internal information of functions. By reusing the generated test cases, integration testing can consider internal information of functions. KEY WORDS Complicated Medical Software, Required Interface, Abstraction of Function Behavior, Function Behavior Reduction, Test Case Reuse, Integration Testing. Integration testing usually loses internal information of components [3]. Unit testing called white-box testing is used to test a component and can examine execution path of a component in detail [4]. Integration testing called black-box testing does not treat an internal behavior of a component because test paths are increased in geometric progression if components are integrated [5]. Therefore, test cases cannot be defined to strictly test components used by other components. For example, suppose that a caller function invokes a callee function, where the callee function has already passed testing. When a developer tests the caller function, the developer ignores internal execution paths of the callee function and treats the callee function as one statement although the callee function has many execution paths inside. We propose a method to generate test cases considering internal characteristics of callee functions. Abstraction of callee functions generates test cases which reflect characteristics of the callee functions conforming with each of test coverage criteria. The generated test cases for the callee functions provide the characteristics of the callee functions with caller functions. Test cases for the caller functions can be generated considering the characteristics of the callee functions by reuse of the generated test cases for the callee functions. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Test cases reflecting characteristics of callee functions are described by an example in Section 2. A method to characterize callee functions is presented in Section 3. Testing using characteristics of callee functions is described in Section 4. A case study is presented in Section 5. Finally, a conclusion and future work are given in Section 6. TEST CASE GENERATION FOR INTEGRATING MEDICAL SYSTEMS CONSIDERING FUNCTION CHARACTERISTICS Youngsul Shin, Muhammad I. Hossain, Woo Jin Lee Abstract A medical system is complicated because it has many sub-modules and is connected with many kinds of other systems. Because software faults tend to occur in interoperation among modules, a safety-critical medical system should be tested strictly in terms of integration. At integration testing phase, there are too many execution path of software to test, that makes testing difficult. To deal with the problem, existing test approaches ignore complicated internal information of modules at integration testing phase. However, the existing approach may not find faults of interoperation among modules because they cannot define test cases that cover many execution paths. Our paper proposes a method to test interoperation among modules by abstraction of function characteristics and reuse of test cases. Abstraction of function characteristics generates test cases that bring internal information of functions. By reusing the generated test cases, integration testing can consider internal information of functions.

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