Parameter Study for Improving Training Quality in Brain-Computer Interface

R. Ron Angevin, C. García Berdonés, A. Reyes Lecuona, and A. Díaz Estrella (Spain)


Brain Computer Interface, Electroencephalograph signals,Training.


Control of electroencephalograph signals (EEG) when different mental tasks are carried out, would allow a communication option for people with serious motor function problems. This system is a brain computer interface (BCI). The difficulty of controlling EEG signals requires a suitable training protocol, motivating and helping subject, avoiding learning retirement. To set parameters that could establish a training protocol, ten untrained subjects participated in seven training sessions. Objective and subjective measures were taken, based on the recording of other psychophysiological signals, attention tests and questionnaires. The obtained results show how important it is to take these measures, and also allow us to reject some elements and to emphasize other elements that can influence the training quality.

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