Tool-Supported Analysis of Clinical Processes

J. Chimiak-Opoka, G. Giesinger, R. Breu, S. Saboor, and E. Ammenwerth (Austria)


domain–specific model assessment, heterogeneous mod elling environment, medical process evaluation support


The main goal of this paper is to describe the technical as pects of our generic approach for domain–specific model analysis. Our framework supports checks and information retrieval for a set of models which may be based on differ ent notations and tools. Such a modelling scenario is typi cal for the analysis of clinical processes, where techniques of process modelling (e.g. Aris1 ) are combined with tech niques of IT–landscape modelling (e.g. using the 3LGM2 ). All elements defined and used in the models under con sideration are saved in a common repository based on a common meta model. The method supports the user dur ing the modelling and the analysis phase. Support for the latter is achieved by providing aggregated information on model elements based on queries and views, which can be considered as model cross sections corresponding to given aspects. We present an architecture, a prototypical realiza tion and the technologies used in our implementation. The architecture is modular, used technologies and software are open, thus the tool is easy to extend.

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