JPEG2000-based Image Authentication Extended by Removable Logo Embedding and Detail Coefficient Scrambling

M. Schlauweg and E. Müller (Germany)


Semi-fragile image authentication, digital watermarking, JPEG2000, visible logo, access control


In this work, we propose an extension of a new image authentication system in the discrete wavelet transform domain (DWT) of JPEG2000. After generation and em bedding of the signature watermark for the purpose of image content verification, we embed visible logos in the high frequency DWT-coefficients for the protection of rightful ownership. Further, in this new securing system, we propose to scramble the detail coefficients based on a cipher key to control image access. Generation as well as embedding of the signature watermark is adapted to the image content for performance improvement. In the pa per, we show that our semi-fragile authentication is robust against non-malicious modifications, such as lossy com pression, noise, image blurring and sharpening, changes of luminance and contrast as well as scaling. If the right ful data access is granted, the visible logo can be removed after image distribution.

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