A.W.P. Fok∗ and H.H.S. Ip∗
Educational ontology construction, instruction design, learning ob- ject annotation, semantic web
Authoring education resources has long been a serious problem and seems to be a bottleneck of many education systems. Attracted by the huge amount of web resources that can be potentially useful for multiple educational purposes, we have applied semantic web technology to design and develop an ontology-driven Personalized Instruction Planner (PIP) based on a Personalized Education On- tology called PEOnto. The PIP is used as an effective tool for instruction design and annotation of education resources. This pa- per will present the design and prototyping of PIP, and demonstrate the applicability and usage of PEOnto to support several typical teaching or learning tasks. Sharing and discussions of our work also serves to highlight not only possible future extension of PEOnto, but also key research directions for Personalized Education (PE).
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