R.C. Jha, T. Ghose, D.C. Sedimbi, and E.V.S. Lalitha
Unit commitment, stochastic approach, economic load dispatch,outage replacement rate, loss of load probability index, modifiedGenetic Algorithm
This paper deals with the Genetic Algorithm (GA) based solution technique for generation scheduling of thermal units considering the effect of unit uncertainty on unit commitment solution. Because of the random failures of generating units, there is uncertainty in unit availability and therefore the unit commitments as well as economic dispatch problems are stochastic in nature. GA based proposed technique focuses on finding a feasible status of units for 24 h in order to reduce the risk of unavailability of the committed units and simultaneously satisfy several constraints like ramp rate, minimum up and down time etc. This paper shows a comparison between classical deterministic approach and stochastic approach for unit commitment problem. The results obtained validate the proposed technique by ensuring quality power in terms of reliability as well as enhancing the searching ability of simple GA.
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