Effective Capacitor Control Model for Unbalanced Distribution Systems

J.-H. Teng


Linear programming, capacitor control model, sensitivity matrix,distribution automation, corrective dispatching problem, unbalanceddistribution system


The author proposes an effective capacitor control model for unbal- anced radial and meshed distribution systems. Due to the linear characteristic of the proposed model, a constant sensitivity matrix relating the incremental capacitor shifts and system status can be derived, and then the sensitivity-based objective function and network constraints can be obtained. The linear formulation can be solved by the commonly used linear programming and integer programming techniques, which are among the best choices for real- time control in terms of computational speed, reliability, and ability to handle many different operating constraints. The development of the sensitivity matrix does not need any assumptions about voltage magnitudes, voltage angles, line r/x ratios, and network topology; thus, the proposed method can achieve high robustness and accu- racy. The proposed capacitor control model can be used to solve the capacitor placement and real-time capacitor control problems; however, in order to verify the accuracy of the model, only the corrective dispatching problem is solved in this work. Test cases including the unbalanced radial and meshed distribution systems and a large-scale distribution system acquired from Taiwan Power Company are all conducted. Test results show that the proposed method can effectively handle the capacitor control problems and has great potential to be integrated into distribution automation.

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