Increasing Usability of Dynamic Voltage Restorer in Distribution Systems

A. Elnady and M.M.A. Salama


Adaptive perceptron, dynamic voltage restorer, voltage sags, voltageunbalance, voltage harmonics


This article presents novel functionalities of the Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR). A DVR is commonly used to mitigate voltage sags. This research increases the usability index of the DVR. The proposed DVR can compensate the voltage unbalance and mitigate voltage harmonics in the time of normal operation in addition to its basic function in fault time. The suggested control algorithm employs an adaptive perceptron to effectively and adaptively track and extract the most common voltage harmonics, voltage unbal- ance (which includes negative and zero-sequence voltage drops), and different types of voltage sags (which include balanced and unbalanced voltage sags). Digital simulation results are obtained using PSCAD/EMTDC to verify the effectiveness of the proposed functionalities and the generalized control algorithm.

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