Transient Stability Improvement by Fuzzy Logic-Controlled Braking Resistor

M.H. Ali, Y. Soma, T. Murata, and J. Tamura


Transient stability, braking resistor, fuzzy logic, thyristor switch,optimal conductance value, EMTP


The authors present the results of analyses about transient sta- bility augmentation by the fuzzy logic–controlled braking resistor. Following a major disturbance in electric power systems, variable rotor speed of the synchronous generator is measured, and then the current through the braking resistor is controlled by the firing-angle of the thyristor switch, which is controlled by the fuzzy logic. Thus, the braking resistor controls the accelerating power in generators and makes the system transiently stable. Simulations are performed by using EMTP (Electro-Magnetic Transients Program). Through the simulation results of both balanced (3LG: Three-phase-to-ground) and unbalanced (2LG: Double line-to-ground; 2LS: Line-to-line; and 1LG: Single line–to-ground) faults, the effectiveness of the fuzzy controlled braking resistor is demonstrated and the optimal con- ductance value of the braking resistor in enhancing the transient stability is investigated.

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