Suppression of Torsional Oscillations in Turbo-Generators Using Genetic-Algorithm Optimized Compensators

A. Abdennour, R.M. Hamouda, and N.M. Al-Haider


Torsional oscillations, phase lead/phase lag, genetic algorithms,optimal control


Damage to large turbo-generator mechanical shaft sections can be caused by torsional oscillations. The causes of these oscillations and the appropriate countermeasures have been a major concern. This article discusses the design of a set of lead/lag compensators optimized by genetic algorithms to damp these undesired oscillations. The controller uses only one measurable feedback signal (generator speed deviation), and it is simple to implement. The compensation results are compared to those of the “idealistic full-state optimal control. Simulation results show that the proposed technique damps all torsional oscillatory modes in a short time, yet maintains reasonable control actions.

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