Modern Nonlinear Theory (published as part of Control and Application 2007)    (MNT 2007)

May 30 – June 1, 2007
Montreal, QC, Canada
Editor(s): C.A. Rabbath
Other Years:

Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
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Track Dynamics of Nonlinear Systems, Bifurcation, and Chaos FreeSubscription
594-012 The Onset of Chaos and Routes to Chaos in High-Dimensional Lorenz Systems
Z.E. Musielak and D. Roy (USA)
594-019 Chaos in a Chua System with Order Less than Two
J.L. Adams, T.T. Hartley, and C.F. Lorenzo (USA)
594-026 Nonlinear Model Reduction based on Smooth Orthogonal Decomposition
D. Chelidze (USA) and G. Chelidze (Georgia)
594-029 Current Status of Research on Lightning-Induced Overvoltages
M.A. Omidiora and M. Lehtonen (Finland)
594-034 Frictionally Damped SDOF Oscillator: Experimental Realization and Friction Modeling for Small Displacements
M. Couillard, P. Micheau, and P. Masson (Canada)
Track Control and Stability of Bifurcation and Chaos FreeSubscription
594-001 Synchronization-based Nonlinear Control of Chaotic PM Motors
A. Zahar (Kuwait), M. Zohdy (USA), and A. Abu-Rezq (Kuwait)
594-014 Nonlinear Phenomena and Stability Analysis for Discretized Control Systems
Y. Okuyama (Japan)
594-037 A Composite Parallel Intelligent Controller for Multimodal and Uncertain Systems: Design and Development
S. Kamalasadan (USA)
Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.

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Rates (USD):   $124.20 (Hardcopy) ;  $105.57 (Online) ;  $124.20 (CD)

(The Hardcopy and CD proceedings also include the Online version)

For complete proceedings please choose one of the following:


Hard Copy $124.20
Online Edition $105.57
CD Edition $124.20
Individual Articles (Online): $40.00  
ISBN: 978-0-88986-665-2 ;
ISSN (CD): N/A ;
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-666-9 ;
ISSN (Online): N/A ;

The aim of this modern nonlinear conference is to publish original papers on all topics related to nonlinear dynamics and applications in fields such as, electrical, mechanical, civil, chemical, and other systems. The contributions concerned will discuss a practical problem, the formulating nonlinear model, and determine closed form exact or numerical solutions. Topics to be covered by this conference include, but are not limited to: * Nonlinear Dynamic Stability * Bifurcation * Chaos * Perturbation Techniques * Fluid Mechanics * Applied Mechanics * Classic Control Systems * Intelligent Control Systems (Fuzzy, Neural, Genetic, etc.) * Fractal Order Systems * Power Systems and Energy * Electrical Machines * Power Electronics and Machine Drives * Security in Communication Systems * Nonlinear Control.

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