Enhancing Automated Assessment for Engineering MOOCs

Azam Beg, Mouza M. Alhemeiri, and Ajmal Beg


Verilog Hardware Description Language HDL, Logic Circuit, Boolean Equation, Electrical and Computer Engineering


Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have the potential to free up learners from the bounds of time and space. Considering the likelihood of large numbers of students enrolling in a MOOC, the ability to create large numbers of test question and answers is highly desirable. In this paper, we present a set of algorithms for automatically creating questions for different courses in electrical/computer engineering (ECE). We have implemented the algorithms in a common scripting language. We have included examples of test questions for two different ECE courses. However, the presented methodology can be applied to many other courses. An advantage of our methodology is that it eliminates the need for the purchase and maintenance of a commercial design-software package.

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