Orbital Wall Reconstruction by Selective Laser Sintered Mould

Agnese Brunzini, Marco Mandolini, Steve Manieri, Michele Germani, Alida Mazzoli, Mario Pagnoni, Giorgio Iannetti, and Alessandra Modugno


Orbital wall reconstruction, Ocular prosthesis, Surgical tools, Computer aided surgery


Diagnosis and treatment of orbital wall fractures are based on both physical examination and computed tomography scan of the orbital cavity. The present paper reports on the secondary reconstruction of the skeletal orbit following untreated orbital floor fracture in a patient wearing an ocular prosthesis because of an orbital trauma. A computer-assisted approach, based on anatomical modelling and custom-made mould fabrication via selective laser sintering, is proposed for manufacturing a preformed orbital implant. Such a procedure offers precise and predictable results for orbital reconstructions. This protocol proved an effective reduction of operating time, patient morbidity and a fast and low-cost preoperative planning procedure. Such an approach can be used for immediate and in-office manufacturing of custom implants in trauma and reconstructive patients.

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