Patello: Clinical Usability and Marketability of a Knee Rehabilitation Device

Silvia Rohner, Christian Bermes, Daniel Felder, Domenico Leonardo, Simon Goeldi, and Agathe Koller-Hodac


Healthcare and Rehabilitation, Medical Robots, Smart Healthcare, Human Robot Interaction


Robots and mechatronic systems have been established as support devices in therapeutic applications during the last decade. However, many devices developed in research are not suitable for use in a clinical environment due to lack of usability. Moreover, interest in therapeutic robots connected to networks, which allow for data collection, is increasing from both, medical and market perspectives. The integrated design of Patello, a novel device for patella mobilization, is presented in this paper. Development of this device has focussed on a high level of usability and on connectivity. As a result, Patello is ready to be applied by therapists in everyday clinical situations and serves as platform for future additional functionality.

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