A Strategy of PhoneSat Attitude Determination Based on Smartphone Sensors

Jingjing Zhao, Junsuo Zhao, and Fengge Wu


PhoneSat, Attitude Determination, Smartphone, Kalman Filter


This paper details the research and development a new robust attitude determination strategy which can be applied to PhoneSats. Observation model is given, and we achieve the attitude information by using smartphone’s sensors such as gyroscope, accelerometer and GPS. We assume that the biased measurements are caused by the random drift and propose an error model which effectively estimates the bias. To improve the precision of the strategy, a quaternion-based Kalman Filter is derived and illustrates reliable attitude information. In the simulation experiments, the results of real-time data show that this new strategy of attitude estimation is considerable in attitude determination of PhoneSat. Unlike many previous methods, this paper proposes an advanced strategy both in size and prize of an attitude determination system used on PhoneSat with considerable output by using of a satellite payload smartphone which has not been seen in literature.

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