Hydrochemistry Characteristics of Groundwater in Agricultural Oasis Areas, Northwest China

Qiu Yang, Honglang Xiao, Zhengliang Yin, and Heng Wei


Hydrochemistry, Shallow groundwater, Irrigation, Human inputs, Agricultural oasis areas, Sustainable development


Hydrochemistry of groundwater provides new insight to studying on water evolution in arid and semi-arid regions. The chemical properties of sixty-three groundwater samples was assessed from oasis areas in the middle reaches of Heihe River Basin, China with the aiming of evaluating natural and anthropogenic factors controlling groundwater quality. Results of the study showed that: The 55.6% groundwater samples were non-salinized whereas 33.3% slightly salinized and 11.1% moderately salinized existed. The major ions of the groundwater are dominated by Na+, Ca2+, HCO3-, SO42-, and Cl-. The 34.9% of the samples showed NO3- more than the human affected value. The major anthropogenic inputs into the groundwater contain nitrate, phosphate,potassium and chloride, with Cl- and NO3-, which were the major contributors to groundwater pollution resources in the study area. Elevated knowledge of geochemical evolution of groundwater in agricultural oasis areas, northwest China could generally improve understanding of hydro-chemical systems in arid and semi-arid regions of China; further maintain sustainable development and effective management of groundwater resource.

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