Relationship between Pacific and Indian Oceans SST and Drought Trends in Vietnam Mekong Delta

LuongBang Nguyen and QiongFang Li


Vietnam Mekong delta, Meteorological droughts, Sea surface temperature, Sea surface temperature anomalies, Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean


Meteorological droughts in the Vietnam Mekong delta (VMD) are directly influenced by Sea surface temperature (SST) trends in Pacific Ocean (PO) and Indian Ocean (IO). This paper analyzes the characteristics of meteorological droughts based on the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI); focus on the correlation between Sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) in PO and IO and SPI to analyze the relationship between SST in PO and IO with meteorological droughts trends The results show that: the occurrence of meteorological droughts is rather high, homogenous in regional scale, and mostly occur in rainy season. SST trends in PO and in IO are too factors causing meteorological droughts in VMD. Meteorological droughts in May, June, July and November influenced by SST in PO rather than SST in IO; while, in August, September, October, they are on the contrary. Considering in long term effect, however, the influence of SST in PO on meteorological droughts is larger. The results of the study can be used to build up the regression equation for forecasting meteorological drought in VMD.

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