Measurement of Working Hours in VDT Work using a Webcam

Koji Abe, Minori Yama, Masahide Minami, and Haiyan Tian


Visual display terminal, computer vision syndrome, image recognition, image processing


This paper presents a system for giving the warning information to the PC user in companies before going into working in front of the PC for long hours. This system is utilized in companies to avoid long VDT work. Although it would be not difficult to monitor the PC user by using motion-sensing devices such as Kinect whether the user is doing VDT work, this way is not practical due to the high cost for companies. Assuming large-volume introduction of the system into companies, the proposed system monitors the PC user using a common webcam considering cost performance. The proposed method extracts just one feature for measuring area of the user's face and head from images captured at the interval of 1 min. and then discriminates whether the user appears in the camera frame or not. Besides, the proposed method measures hours of VDT work by counting the result of the discrimination for the user's appearance at every minute and gives a warning information to the user before the user is doing VDT work for long hours. Experimental results that accuracy ratios for the discrimination have been 93.9\% on average have shown that performance of the proposed method is high enough.

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