Real-Time Simulation Modeling of Logistics in Metallurgical Production

Konstantin Aksyonov, Eugene Bykov, Olga Aksyonova, Natalia Goncharova, and Alena Nevolina


Industrial engineering, agent-based modeling, model integration, resource conversion process


The paper focuses on discussion on the method of integration of simulation models used within the enterprise information system. The integration problem is presented on one sample class of models – the real time models that are used in control, diagnostics and decision making processes. The suggested method is based on multi-agent approach with distributed knowledgeable agents. The dynamic model consists in the multi-agent resource conversion process model that supports multi-approach modeling, including discrete-event, agent-based, queuing systems. To substantiate suggested technical decision of the integration module existing message brokers were analyzed. The subject area ontology is presented. It used for semantic data integration that is required for simulation modeling of technological processes, business processes and logistical processes. In order to achieve a cross-platform system Java language is used for development.

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