A Design Paradigm for the Development of Advanced Operating Rooms

Marco Ramacciotti, Fabio Leoni, Alessandro Persichetti, Stefano Roccella, Alberto Rugnone, and Vincenzo Ferrari


Research, Service Robot, Robot Communication and Collaboration, Operating Room


The paper presents an unusual design paradigm for the development of advanced operating rooms and its implementation. The aim of this approach is moving forward the state of art in operating room design and management. First, the used paradigm to implement the mentioned design methodology is described comparing the operating room context environment with a music perspective. This approach has inspired the development of independent systems which are linked together thanks to a communication common framework called OPERA. Secondly, the OPERA system consisting of heterogeneous set of novel robotic devices and innovative information technology techniques are described. The OPERA hardware and software subsystems modules perform their peculiar activities as a whole like orchestral musicians performing an opera. In particular robotic subsystems (developed by The BioRobotics Institute of Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy), surgical workflow model (designed by EndoCAS, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy) and a system able to control and synchronize the activities of each single subsystem during the surgical process (developed by I+ s.r.l., Florence, Italy) are presented here.

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