Estimating the Impact of a Residential Efficient Appliance Program on Energy Use using Times-Series Modelling

Kenneth H. Tiedemann


Time-series modelling, Regression analysis, Identification, Energy efficiency


In response to increasing concerns about the potential impacts of energy sector greenhouse gas emissions, policy makers have supported various instruments to increase energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption. One such instrument is the voluntary Energy Star program which develops and promotes standards and labelling for energy efficient products, including residential appliances. This paper provides the results of a detailed evaluation of BC Hydro’s Energy Star appliance program for its first twenty-six months of operation, using data from engineering field studies and time-series modelling. The paper has three main findings. First, the program resulted in the purchase of an additional 26,778 Energy Star refrigerators and an additional 32,452 Energy Star clothes washers. Second, the additional Energy Star refrigerators saved 1.6 GWh of electricity per year and the additional Energy Star clothes washers saved 6.1 GWh of electricity per year. Third, the additional Energy Star refrigerators reduced peak demand by 0.51 MW and the additional Energy Star clothes washers reduced peak demand by 1.91 MW.

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