Optimization of a Smart Accelerometer based on Amplitude-Frequency Characteristics Constraints

Teodor Lucian Grigorie, Nicolae Jula, Petre Negrea, Radu Obreja, and Ruxandra M. Botez


Inertial navigation, smart inertial sensors, optimization, fuzzy logic


The paper deals with a smart inertial sensor architecture optimization by using a tuning algorithm related to some constraints imposed to the sensor amplitude-frequency characteristics. To test the optimization criterion the model of a close loop accelerometer is used. Starting from the basic architecture of the sensor, based on classical control at the loop closing, a new smart architecture is proposed. In this way, a fuzzy logic controller is added on the direct path of the accelerometer in order to replace an amplification and filtering block used initially to create the control the feedback force acting on the proof mass. Further, a Matlab/Simulink model is developed for accelerometer and a method to plot its amplitude-frequency characteristics based on this model is described. An optimization subroutine for the tuning of derivative gain of the fuzzy logic controller is presented and tested on the simulation model.

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