Using a Dynamic Demand and Supply Model DSM Program Impact: Example of Energy Star Windows

Kenneth H. Tiedemann


Time-series modelling, Regression analysis, Identfication, Energy efficiency


A number of observers have argued that increasing energy efficiency and reducing energy consumption is a cost effective means of reducing energy sector carbon dioxide emission which are implicated in global warming. This paper provides the results of a detailed evaluation of BC Hydro’s Energy Star windows program which encouraged home builders, contractors and home owners to use energy efficient windows in new construction and retrofits. The paper is based on engineering modelling informed by on-site audits of residential dwellings and by time-series modelling. We estimated energy and demand savings using engineering algorithms and RESFEN simulation software. The estimated savings were as follows: (1) electricity energy savings 6.6 GWh for first year and 13.3 GWh for second year; (2) electricity demand savings 1.4 MW for first year and 0.9 MW for second year; (3) gas energy savings 75.9 TJ for first year and 151.8 TJ for second year; (4) gas demand savings 393.9 GJ per day for first year and 785.8 GJ per day for second year.

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