Influences of Leading Phase Operation of FCB Generating Units on System Restoration

Yuhua Ma, Jialong Li, Fei Long, Chong Wang, Yunhe Hou, and Haoming Liu


FCB generating units, leading phase operation, non-blackstart units, restoration


This paper analyzes influences of leading phase operation of fast cut back (FCB) generating units on system restoration. During the stage of cranking non-blackstart (NBS) units using the blackstart unit (BS), it is necessary to energize some transmission lines with large conductance to ground, which results in overvoltage at the end of transmission lines. To control voltages, some loads should be picked up, which would slow down the whole progress of system restoration. Because FCB generating units have a good capacity of leading phase operation, it can absorb reactive power at the stage of restarting non-blackstart units to control voltages and then can complete the progress of restarting non-blackstart units fast because of not providing extra power to loads to control voltages. A test system is used to demonstrate the advantages of FCB generating units on restarting non-blackstart units.

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