Quality of Service in MPLS Networks

Abdoul Rassaki and Andre L. Nel


MPLS, IP, QoS, traffic engineering


Implementing quality of service (QoS) and providing traffic engineering (TE) capabilities on the Internet are essential if the Internet is to become a universal platform for global multi-service communication. For this purpose the current Internet must be enhanced with new technology that will enable it to offer such capabilities for controlling its behaviour as needed. In the study on which this paper is based, we first examined how Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) dramatically improves the performance and scalability of IP networks of Internet service providers. To verify the MPLS’s main features such as TE and QoS functionality and to assess their performances, we carried out some functionality tests and performance measurements by setting up explicit label switched paths (LSPs) between source and destination routers. We also performed traffic distribution tests using those LSPs. The QoS measure used is the network-expected packet delay which is minimised by switching packets along optimal LSPs. The application of the algorithm to compute optimal LSPs indicates the effectiveness of MPLS in that through explicit LSPs, MPLS permits the support of TE, as well as the provision of differentiated levels of service.

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