Appliance Market Models for British Columbia: A Time-Series Analysis

Kenneth H. Tiedemann


Regression analysis, time series analysis, identification, modelling


Utilities and regulators are placing increasing emphasis on appliance demand side management programs as part of efforts to increase energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. A key step in the planning, implementation and evaluation of appliance programs is development of statistical models of these markets. This paper provides the results of a detailed assessment of residential appliance markets in British Columbia. Information on prices and sales of refrigerators, freezers, clothes washers and dishwashers and the key drivers of prices and sales were used to build a comprehensive market database. Demand and supply models were estimated for each appliance, using both ordinary least squares and maximum likelihood estimation, with the latter controlling for autocorrelation in the residuals. The paper makes two main contributions: first, it is one of the few papers to provide updated appliance demand elasticities covering the post-2000 period; and, second, it appears to one of the few papers modelling the supply side of the appliance markets.

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