A Sign-Logo Image Search & Combination System by Analyzing Color and Shape Features

Yuki Toyoshima, Yasuhiro Hayashi, and Yasushi Kiyoki


Sign-Logo, Content-based Image Retrieval, Visual Communication, Image Database


This paper presents a sign-logo search and combination system by analyzing the color and shape features of sign-logos. The objective of this system is to find a global way of communicating by combining sign-logo images, which are created by combining color and shape features to express important messages with visualizations. This system analyses the color and shape features of the image input by a user, also divides the shape into frames and objects, which consists of color layers. The frame stands for the context of the message, and the objects stand for the target of the message. The colors used in the sign-logos tend to implicitly express the importance of the message. The results of several experimentations for evaluating effectiveness of our system are shown in this paper.

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