Micromechanics of Viscous Interfaces in Hydrated (Bio-)Materials

Mehran Shahidi, Bernhard Pichler, and Christian Hellmich


Stress relaxation, eigenstresses, eigentractions, linear creep, liquid crystals


In this study, we consider fluids as a source of creep behavior of hydrated bio-)materials, comprising heterogeneous microstructures and fluid-filled porosity at small length scales. In this context, nanoconfined fluid-filled interfaces are typically considered to act as a lubricant, once electrically charged solid surfaces start to glide along fluid sheets, while the fluid is typically in a liquid crystal state, which refers to an ``adsorbed'', ``ice-like'', or ``glassy'' structure of fluid molecules. Bridging liquid crystal physics with continuum mechanics of materials, we employ the homogenization theory of eigenstressed micro-heterogeneous media in order to upscale interface creep to the continuum material level. As a result, linear ``interface traction-to-dislocation rate'' relations are shown to entail exponentially decaying material creep and relaxation behavior.

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