Numerical Analysis of Residual Stress Effects on the Stress Field in a Model of Common Carotid Artery at Wide Range of Transmural Pressure

Adam Piechna and Krzysztof Cieślicki


Residual stress, arterial wall mechanics, biomechanics, common carotid artery


The aim of this paper is to investigate the role of residual stresses in cerebral arteries, particularly in the Common Carotid Artery (CCA). Numerical simulations were based on experimental data described in the literature. Finite Element Method (FEM) was used, to calculate the stress response of the two-layer model of artery (intima-media and adventitia) to the transmural pressure. Strongly nonlinear stress-strain characteristics were applied. Conducted research showed the tendency and mechanisms connected with residual stress phenomenon. It was shown that residual stresses have strong impact on stress field for physiological and supraphysiological transmural pressures. Particularly, circumferential stress in the media layer was significantly reduced. We concluded that the presence of residual stress protects the intima-media layer against overstretching and rupture.

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