Computer Models for Gait Identification and Analysis using Autonomous System for Control and Monitoring

Ivanka P. Veneva


Gait analysis, Active ankle-foot orthoses, Control


Assistive devices such as passive or active orthoses are used in the cases of lower limb damage. For the design of an active orthosis, it is necessary to take into account the physical parameters of the patient and to calculate the characteristics of the actuator for joint articulation. It is important to decide which type of orthosis is most appropriate to use, as well as whether the use of orthosis improves or deteriorates human walking. In this paper the developed computer models for analysis of data obtained from an autonomous adaptive system for actuation, data acquisition and control of active ankle-foot orthosis are presented. The system can operate in three modes: data collection mode, assistive mode and data monitoring mode. Mathematical model of the orthosis together with the control unit and actuator for positioning of the foot orthotic segment and the dynamic system simulation is done in Matlab Simulink and SimMechanics. A graphical program written in MATLAB receives and visualizes the data during walking, giving us the representation of the signals obtained from the autonomous system. For visualization of the signals measured in real time along a treadmill in laboratory conditions, a LabView virtual instrument has developed.

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