Enhancement of Oil Recovery via Direct Current

Jian-jun Xu, Ying-zi Yuan, Yu-bo Duan, Zhi-feng Yan, and Bo Dang


DC electric field, fractured-vuggy media, recovery factors, fluid flow


Mathematical models were established to describe one-phase fluid flow in fractured-vuggy media under the influence of an electric field. The finite element equations of numerical models were derived. The fluid flow mechanism in fractured-vuggy media under the influence of electric field was systematically investigated using COMSOL Multiphysics software. The distributions of velocity, pressure, and potential in the fracture and vug were studied. The results show that the electric field effectively increases fluid flow. The distributions of isobar and equipotential line can be affected by the fracture and vug. Overall, the findings offer an important theoretical basis for the enhancement of the oil recovery of fractured-vuggy reservoir via direct current (DC) electric field methods. The 150 V-regulated DC power supply was initially designed according to the results of the simulation, and then MULTISIM simulation software was applied. waveform state and thereby meeting the requirements Inductance-capacitance was then utilized to filter the DC power, resulting in a smooth simulation of oil displacement and imposing electricity.

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