Identification of Dead Time in Nerve-Musculoskeletal System at Muscular Contraction

Makoto Kikuchi


System identification, dead time, nerve-musculoskeletal system, myogenic potential, acceleration


This paper is concerned with a system identification of parameters in the human nerve-musculoskeletal system. System identification on human control system is a precious study on designing of man-machine system. In particular, this paper has focused attention on identifying the dead time in the nerve-musculoskeletal system at muscular contraction as the central research theme. As the first step, an identification method of dead time in the nerve-musculoskeletal system was newly proposed by using system model, measured myogenic potential and muscle's motion. Then, in this paper, author had constructed a system to measure a myogenic potential and acceleration on a grasping system of human hand. After that, the value of dead time in the nerve-musculoskeletal system with muscular contraction was precisely obtained based on a mathematical model. The results have shown that its method was possible to indirectly obtain a dead time in the grasping system of human being. However, it is necessary to examine the dead time measuring method which is much more efficient because the enormous time for dead time identification spend on the calculations. Especially, it is necessary to improve the computation algorithm in the system identification which has long delay time. There is an expectation that the results can be applied to the improvement for care equipment for daily living in the future.

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