Paths Described by the Mexico City Air Pollution Centroids during MILAGRO Campaign

Alejandro Salcido, Susana Carreón-Sierra, and Ana-Teresa Celada-Murillo


Pollution Centroids, Mexico City Air Pollution, Pollution Centroid Paths, Mathematical Modelling


The temporal behavior of the spatial distribution of the Mexico City air pollutants during the period of the MILAGRO campaign (March 2006) is studied in terms of the paths described by their pollution centroids. The spatial distribution of an air pollutant is modeled by the mass centroid of its surface concentration. Each pollution centroid moves as the spatial distribution of the pollutant concentration changes with time. The particular path described by the pollution centroid is determined by the wind field and the temporal evolution of the pollutant mass production field by emission and/or chemical reaction. We found that the average daily paths of the pollution centroids are periodic and follow the diurnal cycle. Moreover, the number of daily hours of presence of the pollution centroids in certain Mexico City zones seems to reflect some features of the atmospheric chemistry in this area.

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