Carlos Magno B. de Araújo and Luiz H.P.C. Trondoli
Wind power generation, FPGA, fuzzy logic, protection againstloss-of-field, synchronous generator, digital protection
The present study aims to present the contribution of a new algorithm for synchronous generators wind protection and the assessment of the effectiveness of the performance of the Loss of Field Protection Fuzzy (LOEPF), using fuzzy inference implemented in reconfigurable computing with high-level optimization of logical operations. A new model of sub- and overexcitation by the wind generator capacity curve for the steady-state stability limit is introduced, serving as the basis for the development of this new algorithm and the evaluation of the effectiveness of the same. The LOEPF algorithm is implemented in Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) with acquisition of voltage and current signals, for carrying out the tests of various conditions of simulated faults by means of a test box Doble F6150 compared with the results obtained with the use of a commercial relay. The results obtained in tests of the new algorithm showed superior performance compared to conventional protection, reducing lag time and time of trip. This feature allows for fast data throughput and processing allowing the relay handling samples high-frequency data and computational efficiency.
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