Simultaneous Classroom and Online Course Delivery using Open Source Software

John M. Pullen, Priscilla McAndrews, and Nicholas Clark


Advanced Educational Hardware and Software, Classroom Capture, Open Source Software, Institutional Issues on Technology-based Education and Training


Distance education (DE) is well established as an approach to delivery of education and training that is productive for students. However, in many cases DE is generally understood to require significantly more faculty time than traditional classroom presentation in order to achieve good quality results. This paper addresses the teaching side of DE, from the standpoint of additional faculty time and institutional support requirements. We present an analysis showing that simultaneous classroom and online delivery can address the needs of many students, at relatively low cost in faculty time and institutional support. We illustrate how this approach has been implemented successfully with an open source software suite consisting of the popular Moodle learning management system extended with the MIST/C tool for synchronous and recorded online presentation.

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