Isthmus-based Order-Independent Sequential Thinning

Péter Kardos and Kálmán Palágyi


image representation, skeleton, sequential thinning, order-independency, digital topology


Thinning as a layer-by-layer reduction is a frequently used technique for skeletonization. Sequential thinning algorithms usually suffer from the drawback of being order-dependent, i.e., their results depend on the visiting order of object points. Earlier order-independent sequential methods are based on the conventional thinning schemes that preserve endpoints to provide relevant geometric information of objects. These algorithms can generate centerlines in 2D and medial surfaces in 3D. This paper presents an alternative strategy for order-independent thinning which follows an approach, proposed by Bertrand and Couprie, which accumulates so-called isthmus points. The main advantage of this order-independent strategy over the earlier ones is that it makes also possible to produce centerlines of 3D objects.

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