A Step Towards a Smart Rehabilitation Environment: A Case Study

Tero Tulppo, Anna Rohunen, Kari Liukkunen, and Mikko Järvilehto


vocationally oriented medical rehabilitation, smart exercise environment, health exercise services


Modern technology is not used as broadly as it could be to support rehabilitation activities, especially physical exercise. The aim of this study was to ascertain how the use of information and communication technology (ICT) can create new possibilities to enhance vocationally oriented rehabilitation services. To achieve our goal, we conducted an exploratory case study utilizing both interviews and user-centric design workshops. Using ICT as a bidirectional tool can provide valuable, up-to-date information for rehabilitants, rehabilitation experts, or any other stakeholder involved in the rehabilitation delivery process. Digital information about individual’s health and physical activity can be collected and shared over certain periods of time, perhaps even a lifetime. These services are based on the seamless interaction between system parts, data sharing, the functionality and resources of devices that exist in the environment. The key is interoperability between devices from different domains.

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