Transferring a University E-Learning Concept to an SME Context

Kari Liukkunen, Jouni Markkula, and Markku Oivo


E-Learning, distance education, higher education


Insufficient knowledge and implementation barriers hinder the adaptation of e-learning in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Validated e-learning concepts can provide a roadmap to save company resources. The objective of this research was to study the transference of the e-learning concept developed in the university environment to an SME context. The study was carried out by adapting and implementing an e-learning concept using the action research approach. The introduced concept was based on the development done in the university context. Evaluation of the concept transfer was done by observing the process and interviewing company employees and customers. Research results proved that concepts, which earlier needed large professional production teams, can be transferred and downsized to different environments. This indicates that organizations that are just starting to use e-learning can benefit from refined concepts.

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