Tracing the Immortal Strand: Cell Numbering and Lineage Representation as Wavelet Transformation

Sandor J. Piros


Biological systems modelling, bioinformatics, immortal strand, wavelet transformation


By proposing a cell numbering system we could be able to name and identify each and every individual descendant of a predecessor chromosome or prokaryotic cell (a zygote, practically the first cell after sexual cell division or crossing over). We can presume that cell division (asexual) is well choreographed, so we can assume that exactly the same half of the DNA double-chain should remain always in the old cell and always the other goes to the new cell (immortal strand hypothesis). Linking cell lineages and this numbering system could help our understanding about how body plan information could be stored in our genome. Considering the pattern of cell differentiations after divisions, this process best could be interpreted as a kind of wavelet transformation. Describing cell divisions and differentiations, brings us closer to the understanding how body plan information is compressed, what is the possible structure of this information.

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