Nevenka Kiteva Rogleva, Vangel Fustik, and Vladimir Trajkovic
Risk Management, Web services, Service Oriented Architecture, Electric Power System
The Electric Power System is driving force for society, industry, economy stability. For small country like Republic of Macedonia, with low investments in power plants and power greed at all, old equipment, old Energy Management System the fact is that system needs to be upgraded, to be improved. New investments have to be directed in system control, power substations and power lines, in building new power plants or in revitalization of the existing one. Also consideration is made in integration of new types of IT systems like agent technology or Web services and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). These new IC technology is usually exposed on different kind of vulnerabilities, hackers attack, undelivered information, not enough experts in the field of information technology. Fault or uncertainty events influence system stability, availability and reliability. So, new technology research is oriented in finding new methods, models for prediction the uncertainty events or failures in order to increase system security.
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