The Use of Lecture Videos: Attendance and Student Performance

Ismo Hakala and Mikko Myllymäki


Lecture videos, learning outcomes, attendance


Lecture videos produced of face-to-face teaching are often successfully used to add more flexibility to teaching. As far as location is concerned, real-time videos enable flexible participation in education, and on-demand videos also make it more flexible timewise. This allows substitution of absences and makes distance study possible. This paper considers the effects of lecture videos on participation in education and on learning outcomes. These learning outcomes are examined with the help of course completions and grades obtained. In addition, it is examined whether there are differences related to learning outcomes between those for whom the distance is not a barrier for participating in face-to-face education and those who live far from the campus. Based on the results obtained, lecture videos have a positive impact on participation in education and on learning outcomes. Use of lecture videos improves completion rate, which naturally shortens completion times. In addition to the effect on completion percentage, the use of videos has a positive impact also on grades.

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