Facilitation of the Rewarding Process in e-Management Control and Evaluation System for Educational Institutions

Ashok Kulkarni and Valeri Pougatchev


e-Management Control and Evaluation System, Promotion Policy, Tenure, Merit compensation, Overall composite rating


In this paper we describe one of the main functions of the e-Management Control and Evaluation System (e-MCES) for decision makers of the educational institution - analytical data support in decisions regarding promotion, tenure (or continuation), merit compensation, and post-tenure treatment for Academic staff of the institution.

e-MCES generates valuable management information, partly for ongoing monitoring purposes but mainly to celebrate positive behavior and achievement, to encourage continued excellence, and where necessary to focus management and employees' attention on areas where improvements are needed.

A performance-based management component of this system contributes to developing the full potential of staff members and improving accountability at all levels. In addition, the system ensures access to information which is necessary to identify opportunities for career enhancement/ promotion, and for instituting sanctions where required. Three approaches are used to calculate the merit compensation or bonus for the teachers who 'outperform'.

We hope that our approach will be helpful to other educational institutions which are building or using similar systems independently or in collaboration with us.

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