Implementation of a 3D Renal Calculus Tracking System for Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy

Ioannis Manousakas and Jia-Jyun Li


ESWL, renal stone, image analysis


Shock wave lithotripsy is the common method for the treatment of renal calculi. The shock waves can disintegrate a renal calculus if targeted accurately on the calculus. If not targeted correctly, shock waves can cause injuries to healthy tissue. Mainly because of breathing, the target moves continuously therefore the treatment is not optimal when the targeting is static. Renal calculi tracking system, using ultrasound imaging, can improve the efficiency of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy but it presents limitations. Since the ultrasound imaging is showing only a two dimensional slice through the patient’s body, the tracking is a two dimensional tracking method. Two dimensional tracking presents drawbacks when the ultrasound imaging plane is not ideally aligned with the patient’s calculus trajectory. As a solution, a three dimensional renal calculi system is implemented and presented here. The system uses a three dimensional volume as a reference to register the position of the subsequent two dimensional imaging. This system shows that it can track the target of the shock wave with more accuracy and repeatability.

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