Parametrical Regulation of Economic Growth based on One Computable General Equilibrium Model Taking into Account Noise Effects

Abdykappar A. Ashimov, Bahyt T. Sultanov, Yuriy V. Borovskiy, Simon Ya. Serovajsky, Nikolay Yu. Borovskiy, Askar A. Ashimov, and Bakytzhan A. Aisakova


Stochastic modelling, Identification, Parametrical regulation, Dynamic system with additive noise


The work presents the application results of the parametrical regulation theory for a computable general equilibrium model with additive noise. The application efficiency of one method of parametrical identification of the examined computable general equilibrium model of economic sectors was shown. Optimal (in sense characterizing economic growth) values of regulated parameters for the deterministic and stochastic versions of the model were found.

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